About Me…

My Journey With Animals

Animals have been an integral part of my life's journey, weaving their way through each chapter with grace and love.

From the cats and birds that filled my childhood home with joy, to the diverse array of animals that later became part of my family - including rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, a little donkey, goats, sheep, llamas, fish, birds, a pony, and a retired Clydesdale.

Each special animal family member has left an indelible mark on my heart, teaching me lessons of love, resilience, and the beauty of life in all its forms.

Faye Rogers - a voice for the voiceless, a bridge between worlds, closing the gap between the seen and unseen, and a mentor for both animals and people on their journey towards healing and self-discovery.

How It All  Started

From a young age, I found myself communicating with animals - a telepathic connection that allowed us to understand and support each other. This unique bond was so natural that I often shared insights and messages from our animal friends without a second thought.

It wasn't until 1996, at a dog club event, that I first heard the term "Animal Communicator." An esteemed judge from the UK noticed the profound connection between my dogs and me, and inquired if I was an Animal Communicator. Her explanation resonated deeply with me, putting a name to the gift I had always possessed but never labelled. This moment of recognition propelled me to explore this calling further.

I embarked on a journey of learning and validation, attending Animal Communication Workshops led by a renowned communicator from the USA. These workshops, both Basic and Intermediate, offered not only validation but also guidance, affirming that I was indeed in tune with the animal kingdom. I am forever grateful to my teachers, fellow attendees, and, most importantly, the animals themselves, who continue to be my greatest mentors.

Word Of Mouth Travels

Since 2006, because of word of mouth, I have communicated with animals from around the globe - New Zealand, Australia, the Pacific Islands, the USA, Canada, Europe, the UK, the Nordic countries, South Africa, and Asia. The support and encouragement I've received have led to numerous word-of-mouth referrals, for which I am incredibly thankful.

Animal Communication is not merely a skill to be learned; it is a calling that unfolds and evolves, constantly pushing us to discover more about ourselves and all beings that we share this planet with.

I have been interviewed for newspapers, magazines, and television in NZ & overseas

My mission is to promote the understanding that animals are sentient beings capable of joy, love, suffering and wisdom.
And to advocate for greater awareness and harmony between humans and animals.

Working With People

My work with people is an extension of my commitment to fostering understanding, harmony, and love between all beings.

Whether through teaching, healing sessions, or soul journeying, my goal is to empower individuals to connect with their inner wisdom, embrace their unique path, and live in alignment with their highest selves.

I am a qualified Diana Cooper School [UK] teacher in Angels and Ascension.

I have been gifted the Sacred Christed Energies for healing, for humanity & soul journeying.