2024 Messages


2024, our insights on the energy of 2024.

2024 is a period of creation, but each & every year is a period of transformation, each & every day is a period of transformation, each & every hour is a period of transformation, and each minute is a period of transformation.

But 2024 is profoundly creation; this means that during 2024, a lot will happen, so hold onto your hats and steer yourself well.

Because of the pace of 2024, you will need to be grounded, you will also need to be disciplined, you will also need to be aware, and you will also need to take time out of where you give yourself permission to shut out the world & focus on yourself.

2024 is about reaching for the stars, stepping into your divine wisdom, uniting your masculine & feminine energy, and allowing new to become the new you!

Of course, when becoming the new you, there will be challenges that you will encounter, and the road at times can be rocky but do not see the path that you are walking as a test; instead, see it as an opportunity for growth.

During 2024, you will emerge into many New Yous – an era of metamorphosis awaits you. Hey, New You, be excited.


Delighted to be sharing.

Friends, Giraffes have shared wise words,

My insights into 2024, I could share a library of insights about 2024, but I will condense my insights….

The crystalline grids have altered — during 2024 the crystalline grids will keep on atlering and because of this, your energetic body will have phases of being out of sync.  Some call this upgrading; some call this awakening; some call this ascension; some call this the Age of Aquarius, and some call this the Golden Age.

When you are being upgraded, I need you to believe in yourself and to understand that if you are going through a phase of your energetic body being out of sync, you can reclaim your energy.

Let me give you a little bit of guidance on supporting yourself whilst you are going through a phase of experiencing another awakening & being upgraded.

Visualise your physical body blueprint in front of you.

Visualise your soul star’s blueprint above you. 

Visualise your crystalline blueprint below you.

Then, visualise your three blueprints aligning immediately in front of you & BECOMING ONE, and in turn supporting your physicality.

Many people suggest that they are experiencing ascension symptoms, and for some, this is true, but it isn’t true for all.   You must be sensible, and if you are seedy, there could be a health reason, and you must seek medical care and, if this appeals to you, also holistic care alongside the medical.

2024, regardless of your age & health, is a year of balance, and to have balance, you will have to be aware of your well-being, and this can be through exercise, good company, nutrition, clean water, and holistic & necessary medical care.  There has to be balance in all that you do. There has to be balance in relationships. There has to be balance in your educational or working life.  There has to be balance in communities and so on.  I can hear your whispers, your questions of ‘it doesn’t matter what year, or what day it is there has to be balance’ and yes, this is true, but for 2024, what isn’t in balance you will have to balance, because if something isn’t in balance the cracks will be demonstrative, and the struggles will be harder.

I stated last year (2023) that there would be three dominant awakening periods, and that there would also be seven other awakening periods. Because of how the energy was in 2023 and of how fast the energy was moving – yes, there were three dominant awakening periods, but there were actually nine other awakening periods.

For the year of 2024, what I can sense at this stage is that there will be two massive awakening periods and twelve other awakening periods; 2+12 adds up to 14, and in numerology (1+4), this is 5. 5 in numerology is a spirited dance through the myriad possibilities that life offers, encouraging you to embrace flexibility and the willingness to break free from old patterns and constraints.

Now, to chat about the year 2024 in numerology, this is an 8-year (2+0+2+4=8)., and this number will be driving the energy of 2024.

An 8-year carries the resonance of power, abundance, and the manifestation of material & spiritual goals.

2024 will challenge you to step into your power – don’t be shy about stepping into your power – power is positive – your powerful self is your ally and not your foe – this isn’t about ego, but about being true to yourself, of commanding yourself, of connecting your physicality with your spirituality, of living with the gateway of your soulscape wide open and embracing your spirituality but also embracing the physicality.

An 8-year is about the balance between the spiritual & physical realms. 2024 will beckon you to recalibrate and take stock. 2024 is a year to offer your gifts to the world, to face trials & tribulations with a fortified spirit, and to seek inner guidance from the depths of your soul.

An 8-year is a powerful ally. It’s a year to be bold, to lead with vision, and to unite souls in the pursuit of a higher collective harmony.

2024 is a year to ignite growth – your flame if you allow it will burn bright.  You are a beacon of light, and the light that is beaconing you is your powerful self – stepping into more of your true self.

I hope my words have stirred up your imagination, I hope my words have given you guidance, and I hope my words of aligning your blueprints will support you.

I will advise this, please do not focus your energy on what is out of your control because that will cause imbalance, and understand changes are underfoot – changes are happening, and when going through changes, sometimes the old energy will be present so that the old energy can be resolved or released.  Because of old energy, this can stir up and cause tension in relationships, tension in working environments, tension in communities and also political tension. I will chat briefly about political – there are ones that have stepped onto or stepping onto the political stage to hold the light, and they will have to battle to conquer – battle this isn’t about warring with another country instead it is about creating changes, of anchoring in the new spectrums, the rays of light, so that the planet can have leverage.

2024 can be a year of undoing clearing restoring and this applies to conservation efforts, and finding a greener cleaner way of being but this will only come about if there can be less hostility and laying down of the weaponry of arms and locking arms with the mission of creating greener cleaner.

Friends, I will share an Irish Blessing with you “May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons bring the best to you and yours!”


