HERO WOLFHOUND (female) [excerpt from Footsteps] - JOY
……..if you wish to do this, do look into your own heart centre. And when you look into your heart centre – feel the energy of joy, actually feel this – ask to see ‘joy’ as a golden glowing light and let this golden glowing joy light surround your body form – like a beautiful vibrancy settling around your aura. And then allow this beautiful vibrancy to seep through all your cells – it is like taking a personal body wash of vibrancy. So please do sit and try this and feel your energy vibrancy going up further.
Also, for people that have animals, reach out and touch one of your animals if they are a touchable species when you can. But do not hurry this touching. Just sit or stand quietly and touch your animal. Allow all personal impressions to come to you; you will have to still your mind and then sense your own animal’s characteristics, sense their inner beauty, sense their goodwill, sense their awareness, sense if they have worries, but allow yourself to receive from your beautiful animal in this way. This is being in touch with yourself and being in touch with an animal who has dedicated their life and heart to you, and to your family just as you have dedicated yourself to your animal which is of your heart.
When you are doing the sensing with your beloved animal – feel your senses becoming more heightened and everything becoming quieter, almost like time has little meaning; you don’t have to rush away, you can honour the moment of beauty, you don’t have to be thinking forward of what you are going to do in the next minute. And this small exercise only takes a minute of your time or can take many minutes of your time – NO SEPARATION”