Our Message is for humanity and it is about staying true to self….
Our message is a timely reminder of staying true to self.
TRUE TO SELF – you were born of the stars, you are starlight, you are cosmic – the human journey is sometimes full of intrigue, but the energy that earth is hurtling into is about finding your true self of becoming your higher self as you walk the earthly realm.
This present energy is leaving behind what no longer serves you, stepping into your powerful self – powerful you – this is being true to self – not being a copycat or being a sheep but walking with delicate, deliberate footsteps of trueness.
You are unique and authentic, your heart sings to many, and your heart also sings to yourself – listening to your heart – being wrapped up in your heart – BEING TRUE TO SELF.
Every day for the next fortnight, give this a go; it will only take a few minutes of your time – feel the energetic vibrancy of your heart – the rhythm of your heart’s vibrancy is incredible – breathe in sense your heart’s vibrancy, breathe out sense your heart’s vitality, and feel your heart’s vibrancy reaching out and embracing you – embracing your entirety – feel your soul become in alignment with your physicality – also sense how far your vibrancy reaches.
You are connected to the stars, you are connected to the earth, you are connected to your divinity.
We suggested that you give this a go for a fortnight, but even better than a fortnight let this become a forever daily practice – it only takes a beat of time, and your time is precious, but you are also precious.