MOUNTAIN GORILLAS, recorded by Faye Rogers 17th November

We, the Mountain Gorillas, are divine beings of light.

Because you are reading our message, feel our hearts' energy. Then, feel your own heart's energy. Allow our hearts to dance together in a beautiful, spiralling dance.

When hearts dance together, magic unfolds. You are created from stardust.

While our words may sound poetic, consider the possibility that you are a star being.

Are you a star being? If the answer is YES, continue reading. If the answer is NO, continue reading.

Earth is your home, as it is ours. Earth is a living being with needs. She requires care so she can continue to prosper to provide. If you strip away from 'mama,' she will have no more to give. But if you respect, care for, and nurture 'mama' she will always give.

Returning to our question about whether you are a star being, and if your answer is NO, we invite you to recognise your own light. See the stardust that swirls around you. If you felt our hearts intertwining with yours, if you felt our hearts dancing together, then you are indeed a star being.

Our discussion now focuses on the present energy. We, the Mountain Gorillas, possess profound wisdom. We are star beings of greatness residing on Earth, tendered to by Earth as she provides for our needs. Remember, we mentioned Earth has needs too, and we respect her.

Our attention now turns to you, the human star beings living on Earth. We, the Mountain Gorillas, applaud you—yes, applaud you—we applaud you for your efforts, we applaud you for the starlight that emits from you, and we applaud you for being YOU.

This world can be very shaky at times, and we Mountain Gorillas know all about shakiness, as our own environment is under threat, which in turn threatens our species' survival. As a species we have at times been warred on by humans, but nowadays there is governorship of guarding us from warring humans, and we are here because of humans' governorship of guarding us, and we are protected, but some humans do not recognise that we are protected, and we are then faced with carnage.

For many human star beings, 2024 has been a year of massive growth. You've peeled back layers, become more expansive, and more aware—yes, we applaud you. You are walking with humanity.

'Walking with humanity'—what an odd expression, yet the words ring true.

When hearts open, becoming more expansive and aware, they recognise not only their own needs but also the needs of others.

2024 isn't over yet, and 2025 is just around the corner. The next few weeks for many will pass swiftly, and before you know it, you will be welcoming a new year.

Let's focus our energy on the present. You humans celebrate a new year, but let's celebrate today, for it is also NEW.

From our hearts to yours, feel our hearts dancing together. Let us share together a prayer for humanity, please read our next words out loud:

'May there be ease in the world, may there be tenderness. May the arms that cause mayhem and destruction be laid to rest. May all walk as brothers and sisters, regardless of species, creed, or gender, and by linking arms, may there be a continuity of peace.'"


FAYE'S MUSINGS 24th NOV 2024 - The Journey of Growth


DISCOVERY OF TIME -Torino Wolfhound, recorded by Faye Rogers