Self-Containment/Turtles - Torino Wolfhound

Turtles are amazing land/sea animals, not quiteof this world - they are so unique in how they are.

To be able to carry your house on your backdoesn’t this make complete sense! To be able to stand up and uproot yourselfwhenever you wish and that all your possessions are contained on oneself. Thisis the message Turtles wish to spread to humans.

The Turtles messageis about self-containment. Now isn’t that a strange thing to suggestas we always wish for more, even myself, but self-containment isn’t necessarilyabout possessions and wealth. Self-containment is captured in the Turtles toremind us to be true to ourselves, to contain our envy, to remember to be freeenough that we can move ourselves if we wish too. It is about discovering whoyou really are, the feelings trapped so deep down inside you.

These feelings we suppress; these feelings wedon’t acknowledge at all, but they are hidden deep down in the murky depths ofour soul. Our soul that we believe in, but we try to padlock down to stop ouressence leaking out. Our soul that we acknowledge but we try not to respondtoo. Our soul that if we grabbed hold of and emptied out would be full of somuch wealth, so much creativity, and so much love and of course hope, hope iseternal, hope doesn’t die, and this is trapped in our soul.

See how unique the Turtlesare! They carry their souls on their backs for all to see – it isn’t theirhouse they carry on their backs, but their soul to remind us to look deep downwithin ourselves and to remind us of our soul, of our being, of our true self.

From little river Turtles to large giant Turtlesthat swim in the mighty seas, when a Turtle ends upside down again that is amessage to people. The message is of being trapped as that is how most people livetheir life. People are trapped by a lot; they are trapped by their owninsecurities, by their own distrust of life, by their own lack of awareness,and by their own lack of self-belief in the All. In the All Mighty and I am nottalking about God but about themselves - of knowing that they are their ownUniverse, that the Universe resides in themselves.

If one trusted themselves totally and learnt tolive in some form of harmony within themselves, they would do like Gandhi did.Many since Gandhi have tried to find themselves but nobody has been thatsuccessful since; many humans have tried and then they have become disheartenedso have thrown it away.

Gandhi was an Icon,he wasn’t quite of this world – his message was for the Universe and theUniverse isn’t so much the starry planets of the distance, but the Universe iswhat we all hold inside ourselves. Gandhi’s feet were stuck here on thisearthly soil, but his soul was a universal soul that spread everywhere; andGandhi was like the Turtles that we enjoy watching as Gandhi's soul was carriedaround his body for all to see.

Next time you sight a Turtle, watch how theirlittle flipper feet move. Watch how they swim - it’s all forward movement isn’tit!!!! Turtles are so much fun to watch, and this is their message to all thatone must ‘move forward’. I am nottalking about grabbing and taking it all but moving forward in oneself so thatour souls become our being and that we don’t harbour great weights on our backor carry our burdens with us. 

People sight the Turtle's shell on their backsand wonder about the burden the Turtles must live with every day carrying thisgreat weight on their back, but the Turtle’s heart is free of burdens and theirshell is weightless to their little body that lives inside their soul.

 This isthe special message of the Turtles, it isn’t so much about themselves being aunique animal but what they foster, and it is so evident if one looked. If weall tried to be like the Turtles wouldn’t life be better? Wouldn’t the Universesurface for all of us? Wouldn’t our soul capture us rather than being containedwithin us?


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