Animal Whisperer Faye Rogers : Do You Ever Have Animals Calling? Tigers Come Calling!!!
Recently I asked Facebook community what they would like me to blog about relating to Animal Communication or Animal Healing.
One of the responses I received was from Susann. Susann asked if I have ever had animals calling, and the animals initiating making themselves known to me maybe due to an emergency or something they are concerned with.
Yes, this has happened to me, the animals have come calling.
Normally I have rules in place that I am the one that instigates a connection, this isn’t forcing myself onto the animal to share as I will also ask the animal if they are ready to share with me – so it is a two-way agreement happening but I am the one that is normally initiating. If I didn’t have this rule in place it would be exhausting and would be similar to a highway of animals seeking me out and sharing their viewpoints. Imagine that you could hear non-stop every animal that co-habitats with you in your environment (all the birds that hang out around your house, all the spiders, all the worms etc.) but also able to hear the animals that are living in your neighbourbood, and then hearing non-stop the animals scattered over the planet you just wouldn’t get any rest and would be exhausted from continuous pouring in of energy . What works for me I have my own ‘on & off switch’ so to speak!! And when my switch is on I will connect with a particular animal [with some blocks up so that other animals cannot join], and when my switch is off then I am naturally blocking out being bombarded. But sometimes the on/off switch isn’t working as well as it should or maybe the on/off switch isn’t supposed to be working in some circumstances, and an animal might pop in unexpectedly and if it is unexpectedly then it could be a major reason why they have come calling, or they might just be checking me out due I am going to be contacted from their human in the near future.
Here’s a few memories tumbling forward to when my on/off switch wasn’t working….
A beautiful black Gelding kept showing himself to me, and this magnificent Horse had the most unusual gait. I had never seen a Horse like him before or a Horse that could move like this. A week after he had showed himself to me, I lady in USA contacted me for an animal communication session with her black Gelding Tennessee Walking horse.
On another occasion I was reading a book, and a lovely Staffie Dog presented himself, and told me that he had a dislocated neck, on asking him who he was he mentioned that my partner Chris knew his family and was out with them. Chris was out on a motorcycle ride, and when he returned home I told him that his friends’ Dog had been to visit…..A quick phone call, and ‘ah excuse me, this is what your Dog told me, he has a sore neck and mentioned that his neck is dislocated’ the couple in question did advise that their Dog had been lame for quite a while and the vet had x-rayed his legs but couldn’t find anything wrong [he was physically presenting lameness in his front legs] and the vet had put him on strict rest and vet medication. A day later the phone rang with update, they had taken their Dog back to the vet to have his neck x-rayed and the diagnose was a broken neck. I have no idea how he even managed as well as he did.
This one I remember so clearly, and it was about 8 years ago. A family trip out, and I was sitting in the back seat looking out the window. We were driving up our driveway and I saw a darting animal dash quickly under the car, I yelled out ‘STOP’, we got out and we couldn’t see an animal. Family asked me what sort of animal ‘not sure, not very big, bushy fluffy tail, really big eyes and ears’. Family asked me ‘a cat?’ ‘no, not a cat’ I couldn’t quite define what species the animal was as it happened so fast. Later on that day I received a request to connect to a beautiful Chinchilla.
An incident relating to New Zealand private wildlife park that was open to the public. The wildlife park’s main focus was Tigers & Lions. I was watering the garden and the Tigers & Lions of the wildlife park started sharing their concerns relating to their future and I sent them a little bit of healing in the hope it would ease them, a week later on national news was stories relating to the wildlife park’s situation.
One day I walked outside and all the Birds started sharing with me, what I initially thought was ‘beware’ I kept hearing it over and over again. This constant chorus of many voices and believe me it was quite a din – big roar of noise coming at me from many voices that kept repeating over and over again the same words. It was kind of freaky hearing ‘beware beware’ constantly drumming at me, so I went back inside. And one of my dogs asked me what I heard, and I said ‘beware’ and he told me that I didn’t hear the Birds properly as they were actually sharing with me ‘be aware’ and he pointed out that there is a big difference between beware and be aware and he told me to go and talk to the birds again as they had something important to share, and he gave me the good advice to tell the Birds to keep the noise volume down to a reasonable level. I asked the Birds for a bit more, and they mentioned it was relating to be aware that there would be a huge fire outbreak in Australia within a few days. What am I supposed to do with this, and my dog said to me that one has to be aware that all are connected that sometimes some animals have awareness of something that is going to happen before it does happen, and that the birds wanted to share with me about being aware and that was the objective, that the Birds here in New Zealand had some inkling of what was happening elsewhere, that there was awareness between all but the majority of humans have forgotten this but we are remembering that we are all connected. We are all connected: the forces of nature…air, sea, land, water…the animals, the trees, the crystals, the humans – we are all connected.
I was woken up in the middle of the night by a Tiger. The Tiger mentioned he saw himself as a prisoner of a zoo, and the zoo was in USA. The Tiger shared how angry he was, how frustrated he was, how fed up with the taunts from the humans, how he had no privacy and was so openly exposed, how he desired not to be here on earth anymore. He then went on to share that he could escape, and he did, and he then shared that he physically attacked humans, and then shared that he was shot and was so relieved to not be here anymore. Roll forward to morning time, and after getting out of bed I turned on the television and there was on the news about the Tiger incident, and the exact time of the Tiger presenting himself to me was when it was all happening.
I have just remembered about a little Kitten. I was going to dog agility and we would always park in a particular car park. We were almost at the dog agility training grounds and I had a Kitten pop in and told me to drive around the block to the ‘other car park’ as she was stuck and needed a helping hand. Hopping out of the car, we had a look around, and found the little Kitten who was aged around 4 months of age that had her neck stuck in hurricane wire fencing, and she couldn’t free herself – well & truly stuck. With a lot of effort, we managed to free the Kitten.
A summer holiday break, and a few days of bliss spent at Moeraki Village. Waking up to the sound of surf, and a beautiful day before us, I wasn’t in any rush to jump out of bed as I was enjoying the morning solitude and then a Seal sent out an S.O.S. message that he needed healing…I shared some healing with him. After breakfast we went to find him, he was exactly propped up where he had suggested, and mentioned that he was feeling brighter. Whilst there we met a local conservation person who mentioned this particular Seal hadn’t looked great but was looking brighter today.
There have also been many occasions, when an animal that I have sent healing to will at a much later date get my attention and ask for some more healing. Normally this happens for the elderly animals, or an animal with a life threatening disease they might present themselves weeks or even months after the initial healing sessions.
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