Discovery of Time - Shared by Torino Wolfhound 22nd of April 2012 recorded by Faye Rogers, Animal Communicator
To find joy one has to sense this about themselves.
To be a dog is a joyful creation and to exhibit ‘dog joy’ is pure pleasure.
Life is truly beautiful and the beauty of life exists in all of us. To understand that all answers are held within one but one needs the time to pursue their own inner being of wisdom and must make time to do this.
Our lives are a journey and we must walk with great joy on our journey.
We experience negative, we experience positive. But what is negative? Is this something of our own making or is it part of our journey that we asked to experience this? Maybe it is a bit of both but to understand that the positive will always overcome the negative so always smile, always cherish your own beauty and always give blessings to all that you have.
I love my dog scrunchies [rubs] that you give me, I love rolling in the beautiful smells of the forbidden, I love exploring and I am free – always so free – I cannot be penned in – I have my own agenda but also I have to abide rules and rules are not easy to abide because of the freedom that I exhibit in my soul.
Be like the waves that break on the shore as this is the continuation of life and the moving of time so never forget this.
Do go experience life, do gather your dreams to yourself and go discover your own dreams.
Do not hesitate, do not pause in your journey but do take time to reflect on the way and you will be astounded at all you have experienced.
Do keep a journal high-lighting the beauty of your life and who you are.
Do not stop, do not give up, just live for the moment and the moment is yours. Grab every moment as it comes to you and abandon yourself with the beauty of yourself.
Understand that you are a truly beautiful and this will bring more joy to you and will bring you freedom in yourself.
Understand that you asked to experience this life and once you understand this then you can walk freer.
Understand what you see as negative and once you understand this, then the negative can leave you but only if you desire for the negative to leave you.
Are you constantly repeating the same negative over and over again? Are you attracting negative to yourself? And maybe this is your journey to experience this? Or is the negative energy that you are carrying due to being told you are of little value or are unimportant in the big scheme of things?
If it is your journey that you asked to experience something negative so that you may grow and evolve from the experience, then once you have understood this then sight the negative and ask this energy to go from you it will go from you – do not hold onto this – let it go – it is fear that keeps one trapped and there is fear to let go – so therefore there is only positive if you allow this to be.
If you have been told that you amount to very little and whose thoughts are these? Are they yours? Or has another given these thoughts to you to keep you trapped and powerless? Do understand where this energy has come from and this can be eased away from you and you will grow energetically due to being yourself.
You are on your life path and you will walk the path and what you will learn on the way will astound you but you must reflect on your journey. And reflect on all that surrounds you. What does surround you? Do you not sight the beauty of the autumn trees if living in the Southern Hemisphere or the beauty of Spring if living in the Northern Hemisphere?
The colour of Autumn is the gathering of beautiful golden colours spread everywhere and brings calmness and a time of peace within one.
The beauty of the Spring brings much freshness and joy and expansion of feelings of the beauty of new life.
What does Summer and Winter mean to you? And reflect on these seasons and apply the seasons to your life.
Is Winter a time for looking inward and reflecting on who you are and the mighty energy that you carry within you?
Is Summer the energy of great abundance of energy?
Do think about your journey and how this relates to all that is around you. Understand that your journey is unique, you are an unique being, understand that the smiling flower that you viewed is unique, the blade of grass that you trod on is unique, the bee that is harvesting – yes harvesting because it is allowing abundance to come to you is unique, just like the rolling waves that break on the shore and share the continuation of life and moving time with you.
What is moving time? It is the storage of all historical evolvement that you have experienced. Not necessarily capturing the seconds and minutes of your life but understanding that time is a journey and your journey is now.
Do not see time as wasted time or time has disappeared but understand that time is how it should be for you.
Do not waste time looking for time or trying to make more time because you will not live and experience.
We all have fears and worries but it is being one with one self that the fears and worries can be less and this will allow attraction of higher energy to come to one, will allow the fears and worries to depart of altering of your own energy and that you can live with abundance and not be stuck in time of carrying energy that doesn’t allow you to capture your own time.