I asked Facebook community what they would like me to blog about relating to Animal Communication or Animal Healing.
Sheryl asked these questions: “Communicating to a beloved animal whom has passed on. How to tell if that animal is still around you?”
Firstly I will touch on: ‘How to tell if your beloved animal is still around you?’.
Our beautiful animal companion/s that have shifted into the heavenly realms are forever in our hearts and we are forever in their hearts, and at various times they will try and show us that they are still around us. We of course have to be receptive to the signs.
Signs can be:
Static electricity: lights flickering.
If it is a species that you have allowed to sleep on your bed, you might feel a distinct weight on the bed, or on waking you might feel or even see an indent on the bed.
If you live with multiple animals of the same species as your animal that has passed on: when you go to feed your other animals, and you feel like you are missing one bowl/feed bucket/feed dish and there should be another bowl/bucket/dish that needs to be filled – you will be sensing your animal’s energy. Or you have enough food out for the animals that you are going to feed but you have a need to grab another handful of food.
Hearing sounds: which could be depending on species – scratching at a door (if your cat or dog did this), footsteps, rustling of feathers, movement noise, neigh, bark, meow, whistle, snuffling, croaking, squeeking.
Seeing their form
This happened to me back in the late 1980’s. Morag a beautiful sweetheart steel grey Wolfhound bitch that we had the privilege of Morag living with us for approx. 9 months [we lived in Auckland, North Island]. Morag had returned to her family [Christchurch, South Island] & had been back with her family Cath & Mike for quite a few years but this day I felt a need to look out the cottage window and there was an extra dog running past the window – a steel grey Wolfhound bitch running with my tribe of Wolfies & I counted the dogs as they were running past the window – my bitches were silver brindle & various shades of red brindles, and the boys were sable & steel grey. The only steel grey wolfhound was boy Bran who was enormous in size & frame. Blink blink I went outside, thinking that maybe someone had popped in to visit with their Wolfhound – no visitors. About 20 minutes later the phone rang to let us know that Morag had just passed away and the time coincided.
Smells, and this can be smelling your pet’s natural odour.
Other animals that you live with, and depending on species – your other animal/s might be making room for the one that has passed on through sharing of their bedding, or even plonking themselves down oddly so that they do not lie on the animal in spirit’s ‘spiritual energetic form’, or making room at a gate or at a fence line.
Last weekend I was thinking about one of my own animals who is in spirit, and I was actually doing some hand weeding around a footpath and I couldn’t help see this sign. I had only taken a few steps and gazed at what I had just weeded and there on the footpath was a large white feather – there was no wind up – there was no bird flying overhead and as I had just weeded around the area of the path I would have noticed the feather less than a minute ago. And another occasion after Hero had passed I found an extraordinarily giant white feather outside my bedroom door – we don’t have birds this size living around our house. An enormous hole in my heart and an enormous feather to represent Hero’s love for her family. Photo: of recent feather found, and the ginormous feather found on Waitangi Day just after Hero had passed away – this is the largest white feather I have ever seen.
Through our dreams – our dreams can tell us so much, and our beloved animal might be spending time with you whilst you are in dream state.
Your attention is drawn to look at something and it could be a heart shaped stone, or seeing something unusual that has significant meaning to you.
You might be doing something and an unexpected memory comes tumbling in very fast of your beautiful companion animal, and the memory feels so real, like it is the present time. Your beloved animal could be trying to tell you that they are still with you.
Messenger Animals: which take many forms, and this could be another one of your animals acting out of character in some way and replicating what your animal in spirit would have done. And a messenger animal could also be a really rowdy bird who has taken up residence outside your bedroom window just after your pet has passed. Or Butterflies flittering fluttering around you after your pet has passed.
Temperature changes – you might feel warmer or slightly colder than you would normally and the temperature change is very brief.
Hearing music playing that isn’t of this world.
Hearing buzzing noises in your ears.
Orbs that can sometimes be seen with the naked eye or captured on digital cameras/phones.
Deep peace – you are grieving but you feel this deep peace, a stillness, a silence of beauty, almost like time has stopped…and your beloved pet is trying to tell you that they are at peace and trying to comfort you.
Sometimes when we are at our most vulnerable we are more sensitive to energy and our sensories are higher. Grief affects us all differently, and for some people due to their heartache they are more aware more in-tune and they can naturally feel their beautiful beloved animal. For other people who are grieving they will completely shut down their sensories.
Sheryl’s other question: “Communicating to a beloved animal whom has passed.”
A few simple steps to feel the presence of your beloved animal companion
Find somewhere you can close out the world for a little while, this could be your bedroom, or the garden, or your office desk, or you might want to go to a park/beach/forest
Allow yourself to be – don’t argue with any impressions that come to you
Feel grounded & centered
Feel inner quiet
Feel your heart energy (emotional heart)
Ask your beloved animal to step forward
Feel your beloved animal’s presence, feel their energy
Feel their heart energy, feel the connection from your heart to their heart
Feel yourself looking into their eyes, feel connected
Talk to them and this could be through verbal words spoken out, or mental words
You might want to record any impressions in a journal. Take note of any impressions you receive – you might hear an actual word, or you might receive a sentence, or you might feel emotions shared with you, you might receive visual impressions – you might hear unusual sounds, you might be receptive to smells or taste – be open to receiving – again allow yourself to be – don’t argue with the impressions that come to you
The Messages that Faye receives from Animals in Spirit
When I receive requests to communicate with Animals in Spirit the messages are incredibly deep & the messages holds much light & energy of love – these special beautiful messages offer great support to the family & are deeply healing. They do take longer than a general communication due to the animal is sharing a lot of energy & I am holding the animal’s energy whilst this is happening. If I am doing a written transcript: healing/loving energy is captured in the words – so the words are not just literal words due to energy transference, and the messages are for the present time but will also deliver different impressions when re-read at a later date due to they are energetic messages. If doing a phone or Skype or face-to-face session, sometimes the animal will channel healing energy through me that is then transferred to the person/s that I am talking direct to – so we might end up doing a healing session. Animal’s in Spirit will also share what they feel is relevant and they might dismiss some questions that are asked of them, out of respect to the animal I do not push them to answer things that they feel are irrelevant and this could be ‘what was your favourite food’ as they are more interested in sharing what they feel needs to be heard and this could be relating to their ‘person’ needs, or sharing of love, then sharing the mundane which has no bearing to them now.