oh Faye ... how do I overcome such sadness when I see posts of animals suffering?

I received this message from a lovely sensitive friendoh Faye... how do I overcome such sadness when I see posts of animals suffering? And I know it’s just one post. But know also there are sooooo many more. It’s such a heavy down-heartening feeling...sometimes I just want to go off fb and know nothing....sooo much heartbreak”

I can really relate to the question asked of me. Daily I am a getting bombarded with pictures & stories on social media, television and other media of cruelty & plights dished out to people, to animals, and destruction to the environment. Also silently in my consciousness I am aware that the barbaric practices of Taiji are happening again.  I read a couple of weeks ago that so called beggars in China cut off a camel’s hooves, and they transport the camel around asking for money for the care of the camel, cruelty & exploitation of another animal. Camels are dignified special animals, and to be treated so disgustingly is beyond actual words.

At times I feel so crushed, so heartbroken at what I have viewed, so suffocating under the weight of it all and I have asked myself many a time when will it all stop. At times my fragility is so incredibly high, and I wonder if I can bear it any more So many times I want to shut myself away, not view all the dreadfulness, I have this great need to be in the energy of totally harmony but then I also know that this also doesn’t help others, doesn’t raise awareness.

And yes, I do share some of the awfulness on my own Facebook social media as I feel such a need to speak out for others, and my Facebook business page will be controversial due to this. If you regularly visit my Facebook business page, you will have noticed sometimes I am incredibly pro-active speaking out for others, and then I might go for a phase that I am not pro-active & I am only sharing the nice beautiful stories that also touch us so greatly. When I am in energy of wondering if I can bear it any more I tend to only share softer postings.

But then I rally around again and being so passionate for the well-being of others I also know that through sharing my voice, and of many voices sharing of inhumane actions we are speaking out as a mass consciousness energy that will bring in massive changes and this will light the way forward for more awareness, and through more awareness more will be achieved. And knowing this helps me I can either allow myself to feel powerless and not able to do anything or I can hopefully make a difference by speaking out and when I step into energy of truly knowing that I am making a difference I can step into energy of feeling like I am doing something, and that even though I am one person that through my voice and my actions I am also encouraging others to be more aware, more pro-active, and also raising the consciousness, and by raising the consciousness this will bring in more changes over time. Mass consciousness awareness is so important, as we shift into higher consciousness awareness and as more become more & more aware and speak out against what is no longer acceptable then that this energy is held and anchored.

I thought I would ask my beautiful dog Hero (female) if she has any advice to share that can help us  from becoming saturated with the suffering of others that then leaves us feeling powerless.

 “Dearest sentient friends,

Honour your feelings, treasure yourself and to help you free yourself from taking on the suffering of others – feel in your 3rd chakra which rests between your naval and your heart – feel this power centre as this is the power centre of personal power and governs self-esteem and this power centre captures your warrior energy, and the power of transformation.

You have to really feel this power centre, so don’t rush doing this, but settle your energy, and tune your energy into yourself.

And as you feel this power centre and then feel this power energy displayed directly out from you, as a radiant beam of bright yellow light. Feel the warmth, the power that this power centre holds but also feel this power centre cleansing your aura and start to feel yourself being cleansed and then being totally cleansed and this will hopefully help you deal with viewing through media the atrocities that are being played out against another or against many.  

This is also a good exercise to do before logging onto social media sites, or watching news, or reading newspapers or other media that are portraying dreadful ordeals. 

Also being aware that when you log into social media sites you might also be leaving your own energy open for others to tune into your energy. To explain this further if you sharing your insights or something that you are feeling then others will be tuning into you and this can also energetically drain you, and you might have experienced at times after visiting social media sites felt incredibly drained but by doing this simple exercise you are working with your own power, you are holding your own power, and setting up a wall a barrier of defence to protect your own energy.  

Love to you all, Hero”



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