THREE-TOED SLOTHS loyalty, charm and living with ease of purpose

THREE-TOED SLOTHS loyalty, charm and living with ease of purpose

THREE-TOED SLOTHS ‘loyalty, charm & living with ease of purpose’

It has been ages since I last blogged, but I thought over the next few months, I would start sharing again some of the  beautiful, insightful messages from the Animal Kingdom that have been shared in the newsletters.

Three-Toed Sloths are so sedentary that algae actually grows on their furry coat, their algae greenish tinted coat provides Three-Toed Sloths with a natural camouflage in their forested environment.

From the Consciousness of Three-Toed Sloths

“Our World is the same as your World, we have perils & pitfalls to overcome, we have to be selective in what we do & this is no different for you is it!

We move in our bodies, we see things through our eyes, we taste through our mouths, and we hear through our ears just like the majority of humans do. But our sensing of the World is different than yours, we move at the pace that we do and some might suggest the pace is leisurely but our pace is perfect for us, it allows us to experience every nuance and even though the speed that we travel at this can endanger us as we cannot get away from fast-moving machinery or from predators who have the ability to move at the speed of light compared to our speed.

On occasions we do sometimes move at a reasonable pace, or what we see as a reasonable pace but even when we move at a reasonable pace things are ‘slower more sure more steady more calm’ except if we were frightened or terrified then our energy would still be moving at a reasonable pace but with energy of worry tagging along with us.

If you could slow life down for a day what would you feel, would you get bored due to life is too slow for you? If you actually slowed life down for a day, then your sensing is also slowed down, so it isn’t like you would be waiting for time; instead, you would be in sync with time, just as you are now, just as we are in sync with time.

We absorb so much due to the speed that we travel, due to the speed that we associate with, due to the speed of our own time, and this is a special experience for us. The opportunity to be in our bodies is terrific; we glorify being who we are, and we are the ancient old men or old women of some of the rain-forests of this World.

We are privileged to live where we live, but the privilege is being stripped away from us due to man’s interference in the natural cycle of the earth – destroy the forests, and you also destroy the cycles of the earth.

As a species, we are humanitarians & create and this is due to many live on us. Our fur captures algae; our fur contains cracks that collect rainwater & act as its own ecosystem, which allows algae & other life forms to live on us. The other life forms that live on us many are unique, we also have a need for some of the insects that we host, a need for the algae to assist us with camouflage – all that live on us are normally in harmony with us and we in turn are normally are in harmony with them – no wonder we are humanitarians. Our actual species’ energy also creates a nurturing energy to our forested areas – this is our actual energy that sings out to the forest – a nurturing energy of beauty.

Cities that are fast can be on our doorsteps, and we might venture out into your cities. what we see through our eyes & what we sense through our energy when we view city life is incredible. What we see if we journey into your cities is that when you humans are walking through your cities we see and feel every footstep, we feel the vibration deep within the earth of the moving traffic, we hear noises that are varied, we see litter lying on the ground, we also see poverty, and we see humans who are shamed by their actions that they do unto others but we also see humans who are energy of gladness. The only way to explain what we see to you so that you understand further what we see… if you looked at an old movie that was on set on a slow speed and this speed will allow the movie to capture every tiny bit of movement and depending on the speed of the movie it might even capture the hair moving on arms or even veins of plants full of vitality due to the brilliance of movement is captured. We are ‘still’ but ‘we are not still’ because we experience so much.

What special messages do we have to share with humans who are receptive to hearing from us, and that is the message of ‘loyalty, charm & living with ease of purpose.’

Being loyal to what you love and if you love this planet then you will act loyal in your actions.

Being charming in the footsteps that you take – watch our movement then you will know what it is meant by ‘being charming in the footsteps that you take’ as every footstep that we take is charming and even though we are mainly use our arms for navigation through the forested areas that are our homes we are moving – this is footsteps of great charm as we are loving the experience the joy of movement and we are not sedentary in what we do as we are moving with charm, pleasure, with hope and with forward.

Of course we do not expect you to move at our pace & we are not asking you to walk slow everywhere you go INSTEAD we are suggesting that you walk with charmed footsteps so that in your journey you find fulfillment, carry hope for others, and bring forward positivity.

Charmed is a word that is sometimes associated with magic but do look for the magic in yourself, be aware of that you are magical, that you capture your own intensity of life and the intensity of life is of great specialness.

We see ourselves as magical due to our experiences are not stifled in what we feel.

Ease of purpose, what quaint speech we capture but this is being purposeful in what you do but also being at ease in what you do, you could play with these words further and if you think of ‘ease & purpose’ then maybe you also have to be easier on yourself, easier on others, easier on your environment and have purpose when you are in this energy of being easier with purpose then you will actually achieve more. Do not replace ‘easier’ with words of ‘lazy’ or ‘sedentary’ because then you will not achieve with lazy purpose because you will snuff out your feelings or your ability to do.

You might think we are resentful towards humans due to what we have shared but we are not resentful we are concerned Citizens of the World and this is ‘Our World’ – Our World is Your World”


CELEBRATING KEA Being Crowned NZ Bird of the Year 2017


oh Faye ... how do I overcome such sadness when I see posts of animals suffering?